Participation required…

I took this idea from Cardigan Way and tweeked it a bit for my own personality…(though as I searched and searched and SEARCHED her site for the post I’m refering to…I cannot find it – guess I shouldn’t leave so many drafts in my post schedule to go back to and fill in with links…)

Read my answers below and then reply either in the comments or write a similar post (Ahem: Rachel, Sarah, Leslie, Kim, Jill…) in your own blog answering these questions!


I am currently obsessed with: Checking, even though Joel claims it is run by Satan

My biggest pet peeve is: when cars have not been scraped or warmed up in the winter but still drive around town oblivious to the rest of us drivers fearing for our lives.

I could eat an endless supply of: any type of cookie

I am currently reading: Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth.  That chick is a total hippie!

My bedtime recently has been: 10:30

The last movie I watched was: Mystic River.  Do not necessarily recommend, even though it wasn’t horrible.  I had nightmares for several days though, but I am SO SENSITIVE to so much!  It actually was a factor that helped us decide to fast from movie/t.v. entertainment until Christmas (other than Christmas movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

I am writing this while: my kids are napping (and I should be too!)

The scripture that is really speaking to my heart is: Being confident in this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.—Philippians 1:6  This was in my devotional last weekend and appeared on The Better Mom this week too!

On days when I don’t leave the house, I: wear Joel’s clothes (because they’re so comfy and I don’t have a lot of casual/cleaning day maternity clothes) and generally do not shower, or at least do not wash my hair…

If I could hug anybody today, it would be: My friend, Kim, she had a baby girl, Kate Ellen, on Monday!  Can’t wait to meet her 🙂

Ok, your turn!  Reply in the comments with an answer to any or all of these 10 random statement/questions.  Can’t wait to find out more about you 🙂

11 responses to “Participation required…

  1. how fun! Love how Joel things is from satan..haha!

    I will have to do this on my blog – great idea!

  2. OK…if I have to…:) Actually I enjoy this kind of thing.

    Currently obsessed with….kissing my baby! Oh my, CANNOT. GET. ENOUGH!

    Pet Peeve…hmmm, well, it changes but I would say right now is the silly questions people ask me about Makayla and then I wonder what’s the best answer to give to.

    I could eat an endless supply of….anything with chocolate and caramel together. A turtle from the Party Shop is amazing!

    My bedtime has been – averaging about 9pm each night.

    The last movie I watched – Well, I can’t remember the last time I watched a movie from start to finish. I started a Hillary Swank movie but I can’t remember what it was called. It was based on malaria in Africa. Jeff said it was pretty good but I didn’t find it good enough to go back and rewatch it before it had to go back to the library. Finding good wholesome movies hard to come by these days so we watch a lot of random Netflix shows like 19 Kids and Counting, First Homeowners, Cake Boss, etc. Looking forward to all the cheesy Christmas movies on Netflix, though.

    I am writing this while….the boys are doing chores and preparing breakfast and Makayla is still sleeping.

    Scripture speaking to my heart….Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. 1 Cor. 7:17 – so much weight and condemnation has been lifted from me when I start to compare what I’m doing/not doing to others.

    On days when I don’t leave the house I…..I am tuned into my children and purpose so much better without the distractions of busyness. On a funny side, I usually have to change my clothes more often from spit up and diaper blowouts. It’s not unusual to change my clothes 2 different times during the day. I only change when it’s really bad.

    If I could hug anyone today….this is hard! hmm….I don’t know. My primary love language is not physical touch but I can’t wait to spend quality time with my girlfriend Jenny and her family this weekend and meet the newest member of their family in their new home in Warsaw. We’ve had to cancel our get together twice due to sickness so it’s a much needed visit!

  3. i’m totally one of those people that doesn’t scrape my car windows fully!! 😛

  4. Ok, it took me awhile to get around to it, but here you go 😉

    Currently obsessed with: The phonetic alphabet. (We’re currently taking a phonetics course, and it is blowing us away. It’s so fascinating.)

    Pet peeve: Being interrupted.

    Could eat an endless supply of: Chips dipped in any kind of dip.

    Currently reading: The book of Colossians

    Bedtime lately: Around midnight

    Last movie I watched: “Up” (with our three kids…it was the first movie we all watched together ever, and they all LOVED it.)

    Writing this while: Listening to Christmas music and my kids babble to each other upstairs in their room.

    Scripture speaking to my heart: Colossians 1… the whole chapter

    Days when I don’t leave the house: Well, that only happens if I have a sick kid (otherwise, I have to leave every day to go to class)…so it usually means I’m taking care of a sad little boy or girl who doesn’t feel well!

    If I could hug anyone today: Abel (and I did). We think he broke his big toe. (a bar stool fell on it) Poor little thing.

    Love ya, Rachel 😉

What do you think?